Creative Writing

Melie Rose Escorel Cortes

Melie Cortes - Licensed Professional Teacher, Travel Consultant Hello there! I’m Melie, a Licensed Professional Teacher who has an extensive background in the field of Education and in the Customer Service Industry. I started off my teaching career quite early, doing freelance tutorials since I was in high school. It then became my constant side hustle, even after being [...]


April Rose Balasabas

April Balasabas - Communications Trainer Hi. I’m April Balasabas. I’m the eldest out of 3 siblings. My mum used to be a house wife, but currently she’s working at a local hospital as an administrative assistant. My dad is a sea-farer (though I would like to insist that he retire soon). My dad wanted me to take a computer [...]


Krizhia Herradura – Torres

I am an Event Specialist who assists in planning, organising and executing events. I negotiate with vendors and contractors, manage attendees, take care of administrative tasks for the events, and take care of all of those extra special touches that make the event a success. I also have experience in Customer Relations, data entry, and order fulfillment. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Communication and training in corporate writing and Business Quality Training.


Mary Ann Richel T. Dy

I have a passion for writing copy, composing documents, and applying my artistic skills to graphic artwork. Having a Master of Education degree major in Administration and Supervision, I can handle administrative tasks, organise events, and handle teams. I have taught English, Art, Computers and Work Education – so my skills in these areas are very polished. I have a natural positive outlook, leadership skills and the confidence to undergo training and attempt new projects.


Kristel Dianne N. Arce

I am an Administrator, Customer Service Representative and Sales Agent. I have worked in a wide variety of environments from billings in print media through to customer care in the hotel industry. I have handled sales, billing complaints and even performed tech support for customers in the IT industry. You’ll find me dynamic, resourceful, and more than capable of building strong relationships with clients and helping you to achieve your organisational goals.

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