Kriezl Mae Pajimola – General Virtual Assistant

kriezl-pajimola-vaHi there! I’m Kriezl Mae, but you can call me Zelle for short. I am currently feeling the joys of marriage and parenthood with my delightful 2-year-old toddler. My journey has been a roller coaster, going through various roles that have shaped me into a true jill-of-all-trades.

From my early days as an ESL teacher for Chinese students during college to becoming a University Instructor, and later transitioning into the virtual world as a virtual assistant for an Australian-based Real Estate Service Provider, the twists and turns of my career have been quite the adventure. Most recently, I’ve embraced the role of an executive assistant for a dynamic startup technology company based in Australia.
College life was a balancing act of working part-time as an ESL teacher to support myself through the challenges and hardships of life. Due to limited financial capacity my parents have, my ultimate goal was clear: to graduate, so I can assist them in providing education for my younger siblings. Juggling day time classes and night work was demanding, but the perseverance I put into it paid off.

Right after graduation, destiny led me to an Australian Virtual Assistance Agency where I found joy working as an admin assistant. However, the pandemic introduced unexpected hurdles, and I, like many, faced the reality of layoffs. Unfazed, I returned to my province, determined to swiftly find new opportunities.

kriezl-pajimola-vaAn opportunity as a contractual English instructor at a local state university in our province followed, but due to unforeseen circumstances, my contract wasn’t renewed. With pregnancy and the role of being the family breadwinner, I faced the challenge with high spirits. Despite the unfortunate news, I refused to be defeated. A more persevere version of me led me to an online opportunity as an Executive Assistant for another Australian client.

The experience was transformative, highlighting my ability to seamlessly adapt to new tasks and roles. My natural flexibility allowed me to navigate unfamiliar territory with ease, always eager to learn and excel. The fear of job loss fueled my commitment to mastering every task efficiently.

Life’s twists and turns may sound cliché, but I’ve come to appreciate that each experience holds its unique purpose. I am grateful for closed doors, as they paved the way for new opportunities. Remote work has granted me the privilege of balancing career growth with the joys of raising my daughter.

Adaptability is my strongest ability, and I thrive on challenges that drive both my career and contribute to the success of the companies I work with. Every opportunity, whether opening or closing, is a chance to learn and evolve. The key is to embrace the journey, turning challenges into stepping stones towards progress.

For a copy of Kriezl’s resume please click here.