Araceli L. Poblete – General Virtual Assistant

araceli-poblete-vaFrom Housewife to Working Mom: My Journey

Hi, I am Araceli L. Poblete, but you can call me Ara, aged 40 from Mexico, Pampanga. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the HAU.

Life as a housewife was fulfilling in many ways. I cherished every moment spent with my two beautiful children, watching them grow and being there for every milestone. My days were filled with laughter, love, and the simple joys of family life. However, as time went on, I realised that our family’s financial needs were growing, and I wanted to support my husband in covering some of our expenses.

The decision to step into the corporate world was not an easy one. It meant stepping out of my comfort zone and embracing a new set of challenges. But I was determined to make a difference for my family. With a mix of excitement and nervousness, I began my journey from a simple housewife to a working mom.

The transition was anything but smooth. Balancing work and family life required a level of organisation and resilience I had never experienced before. Mornings became a whirlwind of preparing breakfast, packing lunches, and getting the kids ready for school, all before heading to the office. Evenings were spent helping with homework, cooking dinner, and ensuring everyone was ready for the next day.

Despite the challenges, I found a sense of fulfilment in my new role. The corporate world opened up opportunities for personal growth and development. I learned new skills, met inspiring people, and discovered strengths I never knew I had. Each day brought its own set of accomplishments and lessons, both at work and at home.

Supporting my husband and contributing to our family’s financial stability gave me a sense of pride and purpose. It wasn’t just about the money; it was about being a role model for my children, showing them the importance of hard work, determination, and the ability to adapt to new situations.

Looking back, I am grateful for the journey. It taught me that I am capable of more than I ever imagined. I am not just a housewife or a working mom; I am a woman who embraced change, faced challenges head-on, and emerged stronger for it. My story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the incredible strength of a mother’s love.

For a copy of Araceli’s resume please click here.