Lie-Anne Mondreza – General Virtual Assistant, Customer Service

lie-mondreza-vaHi, I am Lie-Anne Mondreza, I am a single mom. I haven’t finished college because I needed to go to work since I had my son when I was young. Yes, I need to find a job that would support us both. So, I joined Call Center training and seminars so I would know exactly how to start.

Months later, after I completed my training, I started to look for a call center company in Davao that would somehow accept applicants without experience and undergraduate. I’m so happy with the first BPO Company who trusted me and accepted me to be a part of their premium account, this was sometime in 2008. I was so happy and excited about what I achieved. So, I told myself I wouldn’t let this company down. It was a technical account and then later we needed to be cross-trained in billing and sales. I was able to pull it through and months later I was promoted to SME (Subject Matter Expert). Who would have thought of that? I am honestly so grateful to the company and I stayed for about almost 3 years.

Fast forward to the last and the recent company I had, focused on customer service. What I love about being a Customer Support is that I’ll be able to make the customers happy by solving their problems. Letting them feel that they are being valued. Being a CSR involves passion and willingness to help. Having a positive attitude and being a great listener are one of the best traits that customer support should have. Turning an irate customer into a very satisfied customer is always my goal.

lie-mondreza-vaOver time, I was so amazed by the people I worked with. I started to love what I do and of course it’s a decent and a good paying job. I was able to find genuine people who became my close friends and we still communicate up until now.  I love being in a fast phased community and to be a part of  the corporate world.

For now, I’m really hoping for a work at home set up. Where I can be with my family everyday and still be able to perform my duty as a mom.

For a copy of Lie-Anne’s resume please click here.