Rayanne Cruz – Virtual Assistant, IT Support

Hi, I’m Rayanne Cruz, you can call me Anne. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Information Technology and earned units in Professional Education. I took a licensure exam for teachers and passed. Now, I’m also a Licensed Professional Teacher. I tried working in the corporate world, but I was hit by the pandemic – that’s when I realized working from home is convenient, time-saving, and better work-life balance.

Prior to working from home, I worked as an Administrative Staff for a local ticketing business dealing with customers, managing QuickBooks, and acting as a team leader. Then, I worked as a Customer Service Representative for a BPO company with a telecommunication account in the US which is focused on billing. I also have experience working as a Junior IT in a telecommunication business here in the Philippines wherein I was one of the IT support for a specific system and provided different kinds of technical tasks like checking logs and reporting critical downtime/system exceptions.

Due to the pandemic, the company decided to work remotely, but after the pandemic, they decided to go back to the office. Luckily, one of my colleagues introduced me to Virtual Assistant so I decided to quit my current job and pursue work-from-home opportunities. Eventually, I was hired and landed in different US clients for 3 years which I learned a lot of skills that I would not have thought of myself doing. I learned CRM management, managing a website, email management, reporting, calendar management, data entry, underwriting, sales processing, conducting fraud research, and more.

I like working alone because it lets me concentrate on my tasks, and I also appreciate teamwork because it helps me acquire new knowledge and skills. I learned to utilize great tools like Asana and Notion for both personal and work purposes, as they help me stay organised and focused. I am a person who is eager to learn and craves new knowledge since I know for sure that I still have a lot of room for improvement.

Throughout my Virtual Assistant career, I discovered how dedicated and diligent I am. I always wanted to give my best efforts and consistency in providing quality services. In addition, I prioritize confidentiality and discretion in all aspects of my work. I learned how to maintain strict confidentiality protocols to safeguard my client’s privacy and security.

I love being in this environment and setup because I can provide for my family financially and at the same time, I can make time with them. It is an ideal work-life balance.

I want to grow in this industry and acquire more skills and knowledge to improve and make a better version of myself.

For a copy of Rayanne’s resume please click here.