Jayson Ubiña – Vendor Technical Account Manager

I am Jayson B. Ubiña. Born on November 11, 1989, and now a 34-year-old father to a wonderful son and a husband to an extraordinary wife.

Throughout my life, I’ve only known how to help, whether with the house chores or financially. I grew up in a financially challenged life, inspiring me to do things and learn things. I started at an early age to earn and to help provide. My late father taught and helped me to be responsible and aspire to things that will help better our lives. I owe it to him big time.

I took up a Bachelor of Arts major in English in 2008 to pursue my dream of becoming an educator. Though I wasn’t able to become one, I still made amends to make sure I got something out of my education. I have been tested by time and like many other people, I go on with the day with the hope that a new chapter will unfold. My career is mostly in customer service as a technical support specialist but I also was a product of other jobs.

Working at home is no longer a new concept for me as this is a prevalent trend all over the world. I wasn’t on board on this prior to the pandemic but as time went by, I now see the benefits of it. I am excited to land an opportunity for a company seeking a person like me.

In the BPO industry, I learned how to become an excellent provider of customer service. I also tested my capability as a person on how to improve myself not just through the line of work but personally as an individual. I aspire to do a lot of things in life and I also would like to change things in my ways by helping others. I continuously look for ways to help me improve myself and the people around me. I was able to have the experience to handle a team and improve it to its full potential. I had the opportunity to work with wonderful people whether they be subordinates or superiors. It was one of the most amazing things that happened to me and I truly treasure all of it.

This dedication is something I picked up while going through difficult times. I am a hopeful person and I would like to bring this forth to whomever I come across.

For a copy of Jayson’s resume please click here.